Week 6 Home Learning - Yayoi Kusama Art


Just before lockdown, Room 20 started to look at the amazing art of Japanese Artist, Yayoi Kusama. We were fascinated with the way she makes the ordinary extraordinary! 
She uses dots and lines to create magical patterns - her objects and spaces become alive. 

Check out this site Yayoi Kusama Art 

Can you make an ordinary object magical? Find something around your house e.g. a cup, a bowl, a table, or a piece of fruit. Draw it and cover the object in patterns of your choice. It doesn't have to be dots! Get creative and share your artwork with me via email. :)

This website also has some fantastic ideas to inspire your making and creating! 


  1. Hi R 20, what a fun thing to do.....making something ordinary look amazing. I would love to see a photo of something you have made with dots. Yayoi is an interesting artist, when I looked her up there was a photo of her with bright orange hair, she looks amazing, hard to believe that she is now 92 years old. Would you have thought that I wonder?

  2. Hi Room 20
    I would love to see some of your designs from home, I hope you do send some photos to share.
    Room 12 have been doing some art using circles and lines, I think they would like to learn about this artist too.

    1. Thanks Mrs Haines. I'll send some through for you to look at!


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