Duffy Assembly - Welcome Michel

Michel is a Samoan comic book artist based in Auckland. In 2006 he received the Gibson Award for Best NZ Comic Book Artist as well as a Grand Finalist in the 2013 Secret Walls x Aotearoa Live Art Battles. He is currently working on the American graphic novel, ‘Headlocked: The Last Territory’. He has also contributed work for the New Zealand School Journals, the Pasifika Heroes series of books, illustrated Marvel Comics trading cards and comic books for the WWE. When he is not drawing comics, Michel can be found 'working' at Arkham City Comics store in Auckland. 

Thank you for handing out our Duffy Books. 


  1. Kia Ora Room 20 thats a cool photo of him love your photos. Next time put the photo higher so the kids are out of the way.
    blog you later!.


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