Duffy Show Week 8

We were lucky enough to have the Duffy show perform at our school today. Thank you Duffy. 


  1. Hi Room 20, my name is Leilani and i'm in Room 24, so right above you!
    The Duffy show was really cool and funny! What is the most funniest animal that you could make up?!
    Is it a she or a he? What is it's name?

    BLOG YA LATER, Leilani��

  2. Hey my name is Kali,
    I really like how you guys also saw the Duffy show. The Duffy people actually also came to our school to perform there show. This reminded me of when they also came to our school. Next time you should add a video of them performing it. What was your favourite part about the show? I wish you guys the best!

    Nga mihi,


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