Fakaalofa atu! Welcome to Vagahau Niue Week (Niue Language Week).

At Owairaka Primary School we celebrated Niuean Language by flying its flag under the New Zealand flag in front of our school.  Also in each classroom the children learned some basic greetings, basic numbers, days of the week in Niuean Language. 
The theme this year is ‘ponataki, tukutaula ke mauokafua e vagahau Niue’, which means ‘bind, anchor to firmly uphold the vagahau Niue’.
Here are a few words and phrases to help you practise your Niuean.
Hello: Fakaalofa atu!.
How are you? Malolo nakai a koe?
What is your name? Ko hai e higoa haau?
Nice to meet you: Mitaki kua feleveia a taua
Please: Fakamolemole
Thank you: Fakaue lahi
Be careful of coconut crabs when driving at night! Fakaholo fakasekiseki h e po neke mapela e tau uga!
Goodbye! Koe kia!     

Our First Garden to Table.  Half the class worked in the garden and the other half worked in the kitchen.  They learned about the names of the herbs and enjoyed cooking their first Niuean dish.

The children had a taste of the garden herbs

Digging their hands into the dirt.
The Niuean dish and it tasted delicious and scrumptious.

 My favourite dish is taro with mango, said Aneesa.  Our main dish is Takihi along with baked timala. Greens with coconut cream          Garden to Table blog.


  1. Hello room 20 this is Lanisi and I see you guys were looking at plants and stuff and that I miss you guys


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