Green WEEK 28.05.18 -1.06.18

 Green Week is this week. We are focusing and learning about our school Beehive. The wonderful work bees do and how they can help our environment. 
Wednesday 30 May:  HEALTHY WRAPPER-FREE LUNCHBOX  DAY.  Healthy wrapper-free lunchbox go into the special draw!!
Thursday 31 May: Make and Take Morning outside Room 9, from 8.00am. Sandwiches $2.00, muffins and popcorn 50 cent. Please your lunchbox. 

Ismacil and his healthy lunch 

Room 20 children are having their Brain snack at 10.00am

Friday 1 June:   Green or Yellow/Black Day &Walk to School Day. Dress up in green or yellow/black (like a bee) or a combination of both. WALK, BIKE, OR SCOOTER TO GET YOUR NAME IN THE PRIZE DRAW.
